The Scent of Lavender Was Overwhelming
Two Girls In Lavender Field
A white pall covered the casket topped by a cascade of lavender bouquets. The vestments and minister's stole were all white with purple embroidery.
Emilia scoffed from behind her black veil. She sat on the back row behind two ladies, in broad-brimmed hats. One leaned toward the other, mercifully blocking her view.
"You know, Liliana honeymooned in the Canary Islands surrounded by lavender fields. Just beautiful. Her twin sister arranged it as a wedding gift," the hat lady said wistfully.
Emilia grunted. "Arranged it up for me."
The ladies turned to glare before realizing she was the deceased's twin. Emilia smiled sweetly, and they lowered their gossip to an earnest whisper.
"You look dreadful in that," a familiar voice spoke from Emilia's right.
"You should see yourself," Emilia chuckled. "I told the funeral director to put you in the purple pantsuit." She smirked at the wraith of her twin sister.
"You did not!"
"You just love lavender, remember. That's what you told my fiancé before you stole him and my honeymoon."
"So you did it out of spite?"
Emilia shrugged. "You didn't have to take my last bottle of champagne with you, did you? Now I'm free of your forever." The ceremony ended. Emilia grinned, stretched, and waggled her fingers goodbye at the two horrified hat ladies.
As she stepped into the sunlight, the scent of lavender was overwhelming. She stiffened as the sound of Liliana's laughter followed her out of the sanctuary.
"Wouldn't be so sure about that, Sis."
Manipulated Photo, Original by Daiga Ellaby